What Size is a Tennis Ball? ITF Standards

Tennis is a popular sport played by millions around the world. One of the essential components of this game is the tennis ball.

So, what size is a tennis ball? The size of the tennis ball is a crucial factor that affects the game’s outcome, and it is essential to know the standard size of a tennis ball to play the game correctly.

The International Tennis Federation (ITF) is the governing body responsible for setting the standards for tennis balls.

According to ITF regulations, a standard tennis ball should have a diameter of 6.54-6.86 cm (2.57-2.70 inches) and a weight between 56.0-59.4 g (1.98-2.10 ounces).

The circumference of a tennis ball can vary slightly from 20.6cm (8.09 inches) to 21.5cm (8.48 inches), depending on the manufacturer and model.

Knowing the size of a tennis ball is not only essential for playing the game but also for purchasing the right tennis balls.

Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned player, choosing the right size tennis ball is crucial to ensure that you get the most out of your game.

In the following sections, we will explore in detail the size and dimensions of a tennis ball, including its weight, diameter, and circumference, to help you better understand this essential component of the game.

Standard Dimensions of a Tennis Ball

Tennis ball
Tennis Ball By the Net.

Tennis balls are an essential part of the game of tennis. They are made of rubber and covered with felt, which makes them soft and bouncy.

The standard dimensions of a tennis ball are specified by the International Tennis Federation (ITF).


The diameter of a tennis ball should be between 2.575 inches (6.54 cm) and 2.7 inches (6.86 cm).

This means that the ball should be slightly larger than a golf ball but smaller than a baseball. The diameter of the tennis ball is an important factor in determining its bounce and flight characteristics.


The circumference of a tennis ball should be between 8.09 inches (20.6 cm) and 8.48 inches (21.5 cm).

The circumference of a tennis ball is the distance around the ball. It is important to note that the circumference of a tennis ball can vary slightly depending on the manufacturer and model.

Tennis balls must also meet specific weight and bounce requirements set by the ITF. The weight of a tennis ball should be between 56 grams and 59.4 grams, which is equal to 1.98 to 2.10 ounces.

When dropped from a height of 100 inches (254 cm), a tennis ball should bounce between 53 inches (135 cm) and 58 inches (147 cm).

In conclusion, the standard dimensions of a tennis ball are crucial to the game of tennis. The size and weight of a tennis ball affect its bounce and flight characteristics, which in turn affect the gameplay.

Tennis balls that do not meet the ITF standards may not perform as well and could even be dangerous to players.

Regulatory Specifications

Tennis balls are manufactured with specific regulations to ensure consistency in size, weight, and bounce.

These regulations are set by the International Tennis Federation (ITF) and are followed by professional and amateur players alike.

International Tennis Federation Standards

According to the ITF, the official diameter of a tennis ball should measure between 6.54-6.86 cm (2.57-2.70 inches).

The weight of the ball should be within the range of 56.0-59.4 g (1.98-2.10 ounces). Additionally, the ball should have a yellow or white felt covering that is tightly wrapped around the rubber core.

The ITF also specifies that the ball must have a bounce height of 53-58 inches (135-147 cm) when dropped from a height of 100 inches (254 cm) onto a concrete surface.

This ensures that the ball has a consistent bounce across different courts and playing conditions.

Professional and Amateur Play Requirements

Professional and amateur tennis players are required to use tennis balls that meet the ITF standards.

However, there are some differences in the requirements for different levels of play.

Professional players typically use balls that have a faster speed and a lower bounce than balls used in amateur play.

The ITF classifies tennis balls into four types based on their speed and bounce characteristics: fast, medium, slow, and high altitude. Each type is designed to perform optimally under specific playing conditions.

Amateur players, on the other hand, may use a wider range of tennis balls, including those designed for recreational play.

These balls may have slightly different specifications than those used in professional play, but they should still meet the ITF standards for size, weight, and bounce.

In conclusion, tennis ball regulations are designed to ensure consistency and fairness in the game of tennis.

By following these regulations, players can be confident that they are using a ball that performs consistently across different courts and playing conditions.

Materials and Construction

Core Composition

The core of a tennis ball is typically made of rubber, which gives the ball its bounce. The International Tennis Federation (ITF) specifies that the diameter of the ball should be between 2.57 and 2.70 inches, and the mass should be between 1.98 and 2.10 ounces.

The core must also meet pressure and deformation requirements set by the ITF.

Felt Covering

The felt covering of a tennis ball is made of nylon or wool. The felt is attached to the rubber core through a process called vulcanization, which involves heating the rubber and felt together.

The felt helps to modify the aerodynamic properties of the ball, allowing it to travel through the air and bounce off the ground in a predictable manner.

The ITF specifies that the felt covering of a tennis ball must be uniform in color and texture, and that it must be free of any foreign substances.

The felt must also meet certain thickness requirements, which are designed to ensure that the ball has the proper amount of bounce and can be played consistently across different courts.

Overall, the materials and construction of a tennis ball are carefully designed to provide a consistent playing experience for players of all skill levels.

By adhering to strict standards for core composition and felt covering, manufacturers ensure that tennis balls perform predictably and reliably, whether they are being used in a professional tournament or a casual game with friends.

Size Variations

What Size is a Tennis Ball

Tennis balls are available in different sizes and types. In this section, we will discuss two main variations in tennis ball sizes: Junior Tennis Balls and Pressureless vs Pressurized Balls.

What Size is a Tennis Ball: Junior

Junior tennis balls are designed for younger players and beginners. These balls are smaller in size and have a lower bounce.

The diameter of junior tennis balls is around 2.25 inches or 5.72 cm, which is slightly smaller than the standard tennis ball.

The weight of junior tennis balls is also less, ranging from 36 to 50 grams, which is around 1.27 to 1.76 ounces.

Pressureless vs Pressurized Balls

Tennis balls can be classified into two types based on their internal pressure: pressureless and pressurized balls.

Pressureless balls are made of solid rubber and do not have any internal pressure. These balls are durable and can last longer than pressurized balls.

Pressureless balls are also less bouncy and are suitable for practice sessions.

Pressurized balls, on the other hand, have internal pressure, which makes them more bouncy and lively. These balls are used in professional matches and tournaments.

The internal pressure of pressurized balls ranges from 6.9 to 7.3 psi (pounds per square inch), which is equivalent to 0.48 to 0.51 kg/cm² (kilograms per square centimeter).

In conclusion, tennis balls come in different sizes and types, each with its own unique characteristics.

It is important to choose the right size and type of ball based on the player’s skill level and purpose of use.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the standard diameter of a tennis ball in inches?

The standard diameter of a tennis ball is between 2.57 and 2.70 inches. The International Tennis Federation (ITF) specifies that the diameter of a tennis ball should be between 6.54 and 6.86 centimeters, which is equivalent to the range of 2.57 to 2.70 inches.

How does the size of a tennis ball compare to that of a baseball?

What is the typical weight range for a standard tennis ball?

Can you provide the circumference and diameter details for a regulation tennis ball?

What is the radius measurement of an official tennis ball?
