
Navigating Forecourt in Racket Sports

For the uninitiated, a game of racket sports might seem like a simple back and forth, with players dashing and swinging in response to their opponent’s moves. However, for those in the know, it’s a strategic dance, with each area of the court presenting its opportunities and challenges.

One such pivotal region is the forecourt. Let’s dive in to understand this term, its significance, and how it influences the dynamic game of racket sports.

What is the Forecourt

In the world of racket sports, the court is typically divided into specific zones. The forecourt refers to the area of the court that is closest to the net. This zone extends from the net to roughly the middle of the court.


Across Different Racket Sports

  1. Badminton: The game boasts a pronounced and significant forecourt area, especially noticeable in doubles play where quick reflexes and net kills are vital.
  2. Tennis: The forecourt in tennis can be seen as the area around the net, typically where players might approach to make volleys and drop shots.
  3. Squash: This sport has its own dynamics, with the area closest to the front wall being pivotal for short shots and quick exchanges.

Strategic Significance of the Forecourt

  1. Dominance: Owning the forecourt, especially in badminton, can give a player or pair significant control over the rally. Shots played here are often aggressive “kills” or deceptive “net shots”.
  2. Versatility: Players in the forecourt must be versatile. They need swift reflexes for defense and sharp instincts for attack. This area offers opportunities for smashes, drops, and net play.
  3. Pressure Point: A player skilled in the forecourt can exert tremendous pressure on their opponent, forcing them to the back, thus making it harder for them to return shots effectively.

Tips for Dominating the Forecourt

  1. Practice Net Shots: Regular drills focusing on net play can enhance your forecourt skills. The aim is to make shots that just skim over the net, making it hard for the opponent to return.
  2. Enhance Reflexes: Quick reflexes are paramount. Consider training exercises like rapid shuttle or ball exchanges in the forecourt area to hone this skill.
  3. Footwork Fundamentals: Efficient footwork allows you to move quickly and position yourself optimally in the forecourt. Drill sessions focusing on forward movement can be beneficial.
  4. Play with Strategy: Don’t just approach the net or the front arbitrarily. Think about when it’s most advantageous to move into the forecourt and when it’s best to stay back.


The term forecourt might seem jargon-y to those new to racket sports, but as we’ve discovered, it’s a zone of strategic depth and excitement. This area is not just about proximity to the net; it’s about the opportunities and challenges that come with it.

Mastery of the forecourt can tilt the balance of a game, making it an essential skill for budding players and a thrilling spectacle for fans. Whether you’re swinging a racket or cheering from the stands, the forecourt reminds us of the finesse and strategy embedded in every moment of play.