Drop Shot

Mastering the Dropshot

In the exhilarating realm of racket sports, power-packed smashes and deep baseline rallies often steal the limelight.

However, the true connoisseurs know that sometimes, the softest touches leave the most profound impact.

This gentle giant of a move can bring even the most intense rally to an abrupt and unexpected end. If you’re keen to add a dash of finesse to your game, let’s unravel the dropshot’s magic.

Drop shot in tennis
Drop shot in Tennis.

Dropshot Defined

At its core, the drop shot is a deftly played ball that just clears the net and lands softly in the opponent’s court.

Its beauty lies in its subtlety. When done right, the ball seems to “die” upon landing, giving the opponent minimal time to react, let alone return the shot.

It’s the perfect foil to the game’s power shots, adding an element of surprise.

The Perfect Moments for a Dropshot

The drop shot isn’t a one-size-fits-all shot. Knowing when to deploy it is as crucial as knowing how to play it.

Here are scenarios where the dropshot shines

  1. Opponent’s Deep Position: If your opponent is positioned near the baseline or retrieving a deep ball, a drop shot can be a game-changer. The sheer distance they need to cover to reach the ball often results in a point for you.
  2. After Powerful Shots: Used a powerful baseline shot or a big serve? Your opponent might be expecting another. Throw in a drop shot, and watch them scramble!
  3. During Extended rallies: Long rallies often see players entrenched in their positions. A sudden drop shot breaks this rhythm, catching the opponent off-guard.
  4. Tiring Opponent: If your opponent shows signs of fatigue, a well-placed drop shot can be both mentally and physically draining for them.

Crafting the Ideal Drop shot

Want to make your drop shot the envy of the court? Follow these steps:

  1. Conceal Your Intentions: The drop shot’s effectiveness diminishes if your opponent anticipates it. Maintain a neutral grip and stance, similar to your regular groundstroke preparation.
  2. Soft Hands: This isn’t a power play. Relax your grip just before striking the ball, allowing for a soft touch.
  3. Brush the Ball: Instead of a full strike, aim to brush underneath the ball gently. This imparts backspin, making the ball stop quickly after landing.
  4. Follow Through: Ensure your follow-through is short and controlled. A long swing gives away your intention and also adds unnecessary pace to the ball.
  5. Stay Alert: After playing a drop shot, be ready for a return. A good opponent might reach the ball, so prepare for a quick volley or another strategic shot.

Avoiding Common Dropshot Mistakes

For all its allure, the drop shot can be a double-edged sword. Avoid these common pitfalls:

  1. Overuse: If you use the drop shot too often, your opponent will start anticipating it, rendering the shot ineffective.
  2. Playing from Deep: Unless you’re highly skilled, avoid playing drop shots from the baseline or deep in the court. The extra distance gives your opponent more time to react.
  3. Too High over the Net: This makes it easier for the opponent to reach and return the ball, often with interest.


In the world of racket sports, where power often reigns supreme, the drop shot is a gentle reminder that strategy and finesse have their place.

It’s not just about the soft touch but the mind games, the sudden change of pace, and the art of deception.

When you incorporate the drop shot into your arsenal, you’re not just adding a shot; you’re adding layers to your game.

So, next time you’re in the heat of a rally, remember: sometimes, less is more. Let that drop shot flow, and watch as your opponent is left in awe of your subtle maste