Take care of your UltiMaker S3 Dual-Extrusion 3D Printer with the UltiMaker Enhanced Service Plan. Purchasing the Enhanced Service Plan provides an additional one year of warranty coverage, on top of UltiMaker’s standard one year of coverage, to protect your investment from defects in material, design, and workmanship. Parts, labor, and shipping costs are all covered for any warrantied issues.
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**Note: This item is only available at the time of machine purchase as an add-on, or within 90 days after purchase. Please call or email to purchase if not bundling with a machine.**
When your business depends on quality 3D printing, it’s important to know you can rely on your 3D printers. That’s why MatterHackers offers UltiMaker’s Enhanced Service Plan for customers in North America, to keep your 3D printers in perfect working order and help your business succeed. The UltiMaker Enhanced Service Plan extends and enhances the standard warranty coverage on UltiMaker hardware so you can avoid unbudgeted repair costs and still get the best possible service from MatterHackers’ Support Team. This peace of mind frees you to do what really matters: manage your business. Because when technology works, business works.
The UltiMaker S3 Dual Extrusion 3D Printer</a> fits comfortably on the desk of any engineer.</em></p>", "Images": [], "Type": "Text", "ElementCode": "FVECNJ"}], "HasBeenPublished": true, "DisableAddToCart": false, "HideRewardsFlag": false, "TemplateKey": "", "IsCustomizable": false, "ShowAddToCart": true, "Key": "ag1zfm1oLXBscy1wcm9kchsLEg5Qcm9kdWN0TGlzdGluZxiAgMCRy4-cCgw", "PreOrderFlag": false, "FeaturedImage": {"ImageFile": "/mh-product-images/prod/665937b2-a3b4-4851-a726-618f658daed2", "IsFeatured": true, "ImageUrl": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/92tMtwkITy30Z7aVp1553vTWWFwRg55_aG9JXC7LQTrB_rPjAKhZnJPzyh8KqQHmUfTZ7_W-ept4djm1XPoNsns"}, "IsCustomizablePart": false, "DateTimeCreated": "2020-10-02T00:15:42.302145", "IsDeprecated": false, "IsConfigurableMultiSku": false, "Images": [{"ImageFile": "/mh-product-images/prod/665937b2-a3b4-4851-a726-618f658daed2", "IsFeatured": true, "ImageUrl": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/92tMtwkITy30Z7aVp1553vTWWFwRg55_aG9JXC7LQTrB_rPjAKhZnJPzyh8KqQHmUfTZ7_W-ept4djm1XPoNsns"}], "HideSuccessGuaranteeFlag": false, "IsSearchable": true, "Attributes": ["ag1zfm1oLXBscy1wcm9kcjgLEg5Qcm9kdWN0TGlzdGluZxiAgMCRy4-cCgwLEhBQcm9kdWN0QXR0cmlidXRlGICAwOH-mpIKDA"], "ActiveSIDs": ["MEHVHHRF", "M1UXA4JR"], "ID": 5753180401958912, "MaxPriceRange": 124000, "Subtitle": "", "ProductCollectionKey": null, "ShortDescription": "Take care of your UltiMaker S3 Dual-Extrusion 3D Printer with the UltiMaker Enhanced Service Plan. Purchasing the Enhanced Service Plan provides an additional one year of warranty coverage, on top of UltiMaker\u2019s standard one year of coverage, to protect your investment from defects in material, design, and workmanship. Parts, labor, and shipping costs are all covered for any warrantied issues.", "MinPriceRange": 64500, "ActiveSkus": ["ag1zfm1oLXBscy1wcm9kchgLEgpQcm9kdWN0U2t1IghNRUhWSEhSRgw", "ag1zfm1oLXBscy1wcm9kchgLEgpQcm9kdWN0U2t1IghNMVVYQTRKUgw"], "AlwaysInStockFlag": false, "IsAdminSearchable": true, "AddOns": [], "ProductCreatedOn": "2020-10-02T00:15:42.302140", "IsActive": true}, "ProductNumber": null, "AverageInboundFreight": 0, "DisplayListPrice": "1,302.00", "ReferenceUrl": "ultimaker-s3-enhanced-service-package", "AttributeOptionKeys": ["ag1zfm1oLXBscy1wcm9kclsLEg5Qcm9kdWN0TGlzdGluZxiAgMCRy4-cCgwLEhBQcm9kdWN0QXR0cmlidXRlGICAwOH-mpIKDAsSFlByb2R1Y3RBdHRyaWJ1dGVPcHRpb24YgIDA0bDK0AoM"], "ProductType": "dropship", "DisplayPrice": "1,240.00", "ContributionProfitAdjustmentNote": "", "AverageShippingCost": 0, "TotalWeight": 0, "ProductPriceSync": true, "DisableAddToCart": false, "PromotionDescription": null, "ProductUrl": "https://www.matterhackers.com/store/l/ultimaker-s3-enhanced-service-package/sk/M-EHV-HHRF", "SkuWarningMessages": [], "DisplayAverageShippingCost": "0.00", "Key": "ag1zfm1oLXBscy1wcm9kchgLEgpQcm9kdWN0U2t1IghNRUhWSEhSRgw", "ShipInBox": false, "WholesaleCost": 99200, "DigitalLicenseKeys": [], "FeaturedImage": {"ImageFile": "/mh-product-images/prod/665937b2-a3b4-4851-a726-618f658daed2", "IsFeatured": true, "ImageUrl": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/92tMtwkITy30Z7aVp1553vTWWFwRg55_aG9JXC7LQTrB_rPjAKhZnJPzyh8KqQHmUfTZ7_W-ept4djm1XPoNsns"}, "DisplayComponentShippingPrice": "0.00", "AverageInboundTariff": 0, "ProductDescription": "Take care of your UltiMaker S3 Dual-Extrusion 3D Printer with the UltiMaker Enhanced Service Plan. Purchasing the Enhanced Service Plan provides an additional one year of warranty coverage, on top of UltiMaker\u2019s standard one year of coverage, to protect your investment from defects in material, design, and workmanship. Parts, labor, and shipping costs are all covered for any warrantied issues.", "DateTimeCreated": "2020-10-02T00:16:19.118559", "ShowAvailableDate": false, "BarCodeID": "", "AlwaysInStockFlag": false, "QuantityReserved": 0, "RequireFulfillmentVerification": false, "ProductListingKey": "ag1zfm1oLXBscy1wcm9kchsLEg5Qcm9kdWN0TGlzdGluZxiAgMCRy4-cCgw", "DisplayContributionProfitAdjustment": "0.00", "QuantityOnHand": 33303, "DisplayWholesaleCost": "992.00", "VendorItemID": "226060", "PackageDimensions": ["0.00", "0.00", "0.00"], "DutiesPercentage": 0.0, "LegacyPartNumber": null, "Weight": 0, "FulfillmentVerificationRequired": true, "TotalProductShippingPrice": 0, "IsOneTimeItem": false, "WeightPounds": "0.00", "SuccessRatingScore": -1, "IsOnClearance": false, "CreatedBy": "", "DisplayShippingPrice": "0.00", "NoPOBox": false, "IsRefurbished": false, "DisplayCalculatedWholesaleCost": "992.00", "ShownInListing": true, "Brand": "Ultimaker", "WeightGrams": "0.00"}"/>