MatterHackers MH Build Rainbow Bundle Pack - 1.75mm

MH Build Series PLA is an affordable PLA filament intended for producing quality 3D-printed parts.

  • Best-selling PLA at MatterHackers
  • Available in a wide variety of colors
  • Bulk pricing available - save more with each spool purchased
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MH Build Series PLA Filament

The #1 Selling PLA Filament at MatterHackers!

MH Build Series PLA is the best-selling PLA at MatterHackers, making it the top choice for anyone looking to create quality parts affordably.

Here are the top features of MH Build Series PLA: 

  • Affordable - priced right for every user
  • Bulk pricing options - the more you buy, the more you save per spool
  • Tons of bold, unique colors to choose from - view them all here
  • Select colors available by the case - view here
  • MH Build Series is also available in ABS, PETG, and TPU 

What's Included in This Bundle

  • 6 x 1kg spools of MH Build Series PLA
  • PLA colors are determined based on availability, though a multicolored assortment will always be provided
  • Bundle does not include spool of PVA shown in photo

Tons of Colors to Choose From

MH Build Series PLA comes in a wide variety of colors to meet all your project needs. 

Dentist Interview

Thermoformed Braces

Low Prices - Even Lower with Bulk Pricing!

MH Build Series PLA filament is the most affordable material on the market that is still reliable and capable of producing high-quality results.  

  • Lowest prices for quality parts
  • Bulk pricing available - the more you buy, the more you save per spool
  • Select colors available by the case - view here

Select Colors Available By The Case

If you are using a lot of filament, purchasing by the case is a great option to save and meet your production needs. 

  • Save money by purchasing bulk filament
  • Have plenty of filament on hand and ready for use
  • If you need a custom case, contact to discuss your options
  • View MH Build Series filament cases here.  
Dentist Interview

Thermoformed Braces

What is PLA Filament?

PLA (Polylactic Acid) is a thermoplastic polymer made from renewable resources such as corn starch, sugarcane, or other starch-rich crops. It is commonly used as a 3D printing filament for a variety of reasons, including: 

  • It's really easy to use
  • Low warping
  • Environmentally friendly - much more biodegradable when compared to other petroleum-based plastics

Technical Specifications

Printer Settings:

  • Extruder Temperature: 205±15°C
  • Bed Temperature: Not needed, but 40±15 °C if your printer has heated bed
  • Learn more about how to succeed with PLA here

Spool/Filament Dimensions:

  • 200mm Total Diameter (approximately)
  • 50mm Inner Hole Diameter (approximately)
  • 65mm Height (approximately)
  • 1 kg spool
  • True Diameter: 1.75mm or 2.85mm
  • Dimensional Accuracy: ±0.03mm
  • Density: 1.25 g/cm³
  • Volume: 0.80 L
  • Length: 332.60 m

Technical Data Sheets: 

Click here to view all MH Build Series PLA size and color options. 

view them all here</a></span></li>\r\n<li><span>Select colors available by the case - <a href="">view here</a></span></li>\r\n<li><span>MH Build Series is also available in <a href="">ABS, <a href="">PETG, and <a href="">TPU&nbsp;/r/n/r/n

  • PLA colors are determined based on availability, though a multicolored assortment will always be provided</li>\r\n<li>Bundle does not include spool of PVA shown in photo</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<hr />\r\n<p></p>", "Images": [], "Type": "Text", "ElementCode": "OIB7NH"}, {"Content": "<div class=\"embed-youtube\" data-embed=\"ZFDyLMYBWkM\" data-size=\"lg\"></div>\r\n<hr />\r\n<p></p>", "Images": [], "Type": "Text", "ElementCode": "YAK4NS"}, {"Content": "<div class=\"section\">\r\n<div class=\"row\">\r\n<div class=\"col-lg-6\">\r\n<div class=\"product-heading\">\r\n<h2><strong>Tons of Colors to Choose From<br /></strong></h2>\r\n</div>\r\n<p><span>MH Build Series PLA comes in a wide variety of colors to meet all your project needs.&nbsp;</span></p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><span>See all MH Build PLA color options <a href="">here
  • /r/n
  • Black, <a href="">white, <a href="">red, <a href="">blue, <a href="">green, <a href="">silver, <a href="">silky blue</a>, and <a href="">30+ more colors</a></li>\r\n</ul>\r\n</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n</div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg-6 icon\"><img alt=\"Dentist Interview\" src="" class=\"rounded\" /></div>\r\n</div>\r\n</div>\r\n<hr />", "Images": [], "Type": "Text", "ElementCode": "IGM63M"}, {"Content": "<div class=\"section\">\r\n<div class=\"row\">\r\n<div class=\"col-lg-6 icon\"><img alt=\"Thermoformed Braces\" src="" class=\"rounded\" /></div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg-6\">\r\n<div class=\"product-heading\">\r\n<h2><strong>Low Prices - Even Lower with Bulk Pricing!<br /></strong></h2>\r\n</div>\r\n<p><span>MH Build Series PLA filament is the most affordable material on the market that is still reliable and capable of producing high-quality results.&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><span>Lowest prices for quality parts<br /></span></li>\r\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><span>Bulk pricing available - the more you buy, the more you save per spool</span></li>\r\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><span>Select colors available by the case - <a href="">view here</a><br /></span></li>\r\n</ul>\r\n</div>\r\n</div>\r\n</div>\r\n<hr />", "Images": [], "Type": "Text", "ElementCode": "EGZSAR"}, {"Content": "<div class=\"section\">\r\n<div class=\"row\">\r\n<div class=\"col-lg-6\">\r\n<div class=\"product-heading\">\r\n<h2><strong>Select Colors Available By The Case<br /></strong></h2>\r\n</div>\r\n<p><span>If you are using a lot of filament, purchasing by the case is a great option to save and meet your production needs.&nbsp;</span></p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li aria-level=\"1\">Save money by purchasing bulk filament</li>\r\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><span>Have plenty of filament on hand and ready for use</span></li>\r\n<li aria-level=\"1\">If you need a custom case, contact <a href=\"\">;to discuss your options</li>\r\n<li aria-level=\"1\">View MH Build Series filament cases <a href="">here.&nbsp;&nbsp;
  • /r/n/r/n

    Spool/Filament Dimensions:</strong></p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>200mm Total Diameter (approximately)</li>\r\n<li>50mm Inner Hole Diameter (approximately)</li>\r\n<li>65mm Height&nbsp;(approximately)</li>\r\n<li>1 kg spool</li>\r\n<li>True Diameter: 1.75mm or 2.85mm</li>\r\n<li>Dimensional Accuracy: &plusmn;0.03mm</li>\r\n<li>Density: 1.25 g/cm&sup3;</li>\r\n<li>Volume: 0.80 L</li>\r\n<li>Length: 332.60 m</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p><strong>Technical Data Sheets:</strong>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li><a title=\"MH Build Series PLA TDS\" href="" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Download the Technical Data Sheet</a></li>\r\n<li><a title=\"MH Build Series PLA MSDS\" href="" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Download the Safety Data Sheet</a></li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<hr />\r\n<p></p>", "Images": [], "Type": "Text", "ElementCode": "68E0WP"}, {"Content": "<h3><strong><a href="">Click here</a> to view all MH Build Series PLA size and color options.</strong>&nbsp;</h3>\r\n<hr />\r\n<p></p>", "Images": [], "Type": "Text", "ElementCode": "3PHHIR"}], "HasBeenPublished": true, "DisableAddToCart": false, "HideRewardsFlag": false, "TemplateKey": "", "IsCustomizable": false, "ShowAddToCart": true, "Key": "ag1zfm1oLXBscy1wcm9kchsLEg5Qcm9kdWN0TGlzdGluZxiAgMCNzJCOCgw", "PreOrderFlag": false, "FeaturedImage": {"ImageFile": "/mh-product-images/prod/d8415958-b74b-4ec0-8d3a-26585ad6e31c", "IsFeatured": true, "ImageUrl": ""}, "IsCustomizablePart": false, "DateTimeCreated": "2020-11-11T23:00:04.795849", "IsDeprecated": false, "IsConfigurableMultiSku": false, "Images": [{"ImageFile": "/mh-product-images/prod/04f0dcc2-34a2-42da-b00e-c553e9ccfceb", "IsFeatured": false, "ImageUrl": ""}, {"ImageFile": "/mh-product-images/prod/d8415958-b74b-4ec0-8d3a-26585ad6e31c", "IsFeatured": true, "ImageUrl": ""}, {"ImageFile": "/mh-product-images/prod/7e7ddb4e-fa53-4256-b766-cf0d68736055", "IsFeatured": false, "ImageUrl": ""}, {"ImageFile": "/mh-product-images/prod/0505c338-9351-42f5-9657-e681c2d4fce0", "IsFeatured": false, "ImageUrl": ""}, {"ImageFile": "/mh-product-images/prod/64f40782-8821-42a4-810c-49840fede236", "IsFeatured": false, "ImageUrl": ""}], "HideSuccessGuaranteeFlag": false, "IsSearchable": true, "Attributes": ["ag1zfm1oLXBscy1wcm9kcjgLEg5Qcm9kdWN0TGlzdGluZxiAgMCNzJCOCgwLEhBQcm9kdWN0QXR0cmlidXRlGICAwI3M6oEJDA"], "ActiveSIDs": ["MAELH87U", "M9D69CXN"], "ID": 5691642370588672, "MaxPriceRange": 11018, "Subtitle": "", "ProductCollectionKey": "", "ShortDescription": "MH Build Series PLA is an affordable PLA filament intended for producing quality 3D-printed parts.\r\n\r\n- Best-selling PLA at MatterHackers\r\n- Available in a wide variety of colors\r\n- Bulk pricing available - save more with each spool purchased\r\n", "MinPriceRange": 11018, "ActiveSkus": ["ag1zfm1oLXBscy1wcm9kchgLEgpQcm9kdWN0U2t1IghNQUVMSDg3VQw", "ag1zfm1oLXBscy1wcm9kchgLEgpQcm9kdWN0U2t1IghNOUQ2OUNYTgw"], "AlwaysInStockFlag": false, "IsAdminSearchable": true, "AddOns": [], "ProductCreatedOn": "2020-11-11T23:00:04.795880", "IsActive": true}, "ProductNumber": null, "DisplayTotalShippingPrice": "0.00", "DisplayListPrice": "125.22", "ReferenceUrl": "mh-build-rainbow-dual-extrusion-pack", "AttributeOptionKeys": ["ag1zfm1oLXBscy1wcm9kclsLEg5Qcm9kdWN0TGlzdGluZxiAgMCNzJCOCgwLEhBQcm9kdWN0QXR0cmlidXRlGICAwI3M6oEJDAsSFlByb2R1Y3RBdHRyaWJ1dGVPcHRpb24YgIDAjeWelwoM"], "ProductType": "physical-inventory", "DisplayPrice": "110.18", "ContributionProfitAdjustmentNote": "", "ComponentAverageShippingCost": 1241, "TotalWeightPounds": "17.29", "TotalWeight": 7842000, "ProductPriceSync": true, "ComponentSIDs": ["M46G60RF", "MPV1RLHJ", "MXMHA4WM", "M4L474LS", "M9G7ATE3", "MMQFQZ5S"], "DisableAddToCart": false, "PromotionDescription": "", "ProductUrl": "", "SkuWarningMessages": [], "DisplayAverageShippingCost": "0.00", "Key": "ag1zfm1oLXBscy1wcm9kchgLEgpQcm9kdWN0U2t1IghNQUVMSDg3VQw", "ShipInBox": false, "WholesaleCost": 0, "PreOrderFlag": false, "FeaturedImage": {"ImageFile": "/mh-product-images/prod/143f6f84-aa8d-44a0-89fd-59cdee202195", "IsFeatured": false, "ImageUrl": ""}, "HasBeenReviewed": false, "DisplayComponentShippingPrice": "0.00", "AverageInboundTariff": 0, "ProductDescription": "MH Build Series PLA is an affordable PLA filament intended for producing quality 3D-printed parts.\r\n\r\n- Best-selling PLA at MatterHackers\r\n- Available in a wide variety of colors\r\n- Bulk pricing available - save more with each spool purchased\r\n", "ComponentAverageInboundTariff": 1590, "DateTimeCreated": "2020-11-11T23:08:47.399919", "ShowAvailableDate": false, "BarCodeID": "", "AlwaysInStockFlag": false, "QuantityReserved": 0, "RequireFulfillmentVerification": false, "ProductListingKey": "ag1zfm1oLXBscy1wcm9kchsLEg5Qcm9kdWN0TGlzdGluZxiAgMCNzJCOCgw", "DisplayContributionProfitAdjustment": "0.00", "QuantityOnHand": 931, "DisplayWholesaleCost": "0.00", "ComponentSkuWeight": 7842000, "VendorItemID": "", "PackageDimensions": ["0.00", "0.00", "0.00"], "LegacyPartNumber": null, "Weight": 0, "FulfillmentVerificationRequired": true, "TotalProductShippingPrice": 0, "IsOneTimeItem": false, "WeightPounds": "0.00", "SuccessRatingScore": 10000, "IsOnClearance": false, "CreatedBy": "", "DisplayShippingPrice": "0.00", "NoPOBox": false, "IsRefurbished": false, "DisplayCalculatedWholesaleCost": "46.50", "ShownInListing": true, "ConfigurableListing": false, "WeightGrams": "0.00"}"/>

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