The materials experts at BASF have developed an exciting PLA in their engineering line: PRO1 PLA. This engineering thermoplastic is a high quality, tough PLA, excellent for printing tools, jigs and fixtures, as it boasts strengths above ABS, but which can be printed much faster and more easily--allowing you to make more, in less time, all while maintaining the reliability you need.
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PRO1 provides the features of ABS with the ease of PLA
The materials engineers at BASF know that you need the performance of a stronger plastic such as ABS, but can't always iterate the way ABS can sometimes require. That's why they developed PRO1 to perform like ABS, while still printing quickly and smoothly like a high quality PLA should.
PRO1 offers major advantages above ABS and PLA:
Speed: Reduce your printing time by 30% - 80%.
Strength: Mechanical properties that are an improvement above ABS.
Versatility: Can be tuned to focus on speed, strength or a gorgeous surface finish.
Consistency: Will perform identically between colors and batches, every time.
Warning: This Product can expose you to styrene, a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer. USE WITH ADEQUATE VENTILATION. See
Click here to view or download the Innofil3D PRO 1 PLA Safety Data Sheet (SDS).</a></li>\r\n<li><a href="">Click here to view or download the Innofil3D PRO 1 PLA Technical Data Sheet (TDS).</a></li>\r\n</ul>", "Images": [], "Type": "Html", "ElementCode": "XLPGGA"}, {"Content": "<p style='text-align:center;'><img src=''>", "Images": [{"ImageFile": "/mh-product-images/prod/8ac17007-906e-4bbe-9016-851d0e354d8c", "IsFeatured": false, "ImageUrl": ""}], "Type": "Image", "ElementCode": "BHCWVV"}], "HasBeenPublished": true, "DisableAddToCart": false, "HideRewardsFlag": false, "TemplateKey": "", "IsCustomizable": false, "ShowAddToCart": true, "Key": "ag1zfm1oLXBscy1wcm9kchsLEg5Qcm9kdWN0TGlzdGluZxiAgIDz5cuCCgw", "PreOrderFlag": true, "FeaturedImage": {"ImageFile": "/mh-product-images/prod/f59e0d11-4f79-4434-a595-9b6fa6aa86ca", "IsFeatured": true, "ImageUrl": ""}, "IsCustomizablePart": false, "DateTimeCreated": "2020-03-20T16:28:15.221270", "IsDeprecated": false, "IsConfigurableMultiSku": false, "Images": [{"ImageFile": "/mh-product-images/prod/f59e0d11-4f79-4434-a595-9b6fa6aa86ca", "IsFeatured": true, "ImageUrl": ""}], "HideSuccessGuaranteeFlag": false, "IsSearchable": true, "Attributes": ["ag1zfm1oLXBscy1wcm9kcjgLEg5Qcm9kdWN0TGlzdGluZxiAgIDz5cuCCgwLEhBQcm9kdWN0QXR0cmlidXRlGICAgIvZksQJDA", "ag1zfm1oLXBscy1wcm9kcjgLEg5Qcm9kdWN0TGlzdGluZxiAgIDz5cuCCgwLEhBQcm9kdWN0QXR0cmlidXRlGICAgNPFz44JDA"], "ActiveSIDs": ["MZ2HXEPK", "MXKWUA54", "MU2MK7TE", "M9VR7FW2", "M708CQSR", "M3LZ11X7"], "ID": 5640899960766464, "MaxPriceRange": 3999, "Subtitle": "", "ProductCollectionKey": "", "ShortDescription": "The materials experts at BASF have developed an exciting PLA in their engineering line: PRO1 PLA. This engineering thermoplastic is a high quality, tough PLA, excellent for printing tools, jigs and fixtures, as it boasts strengths above ABS, but which can be printed much faster and more easily--allowing you to make more, in less time, all while maintaining the reliability you need.", "MinPriceRange": 3999, "ActiveSkus": ["ag1zfm1oLXBscy1wcm9kchgLEgpQcm9kdWN0U2t1IghNWjJIWEVQSww", "ag1zfm1oLXBscy1wcm9kchgLEgpQcm9kdWN0U2t1IghNWEtXVUE1NAw", "ag1zfm1oLXBscy1wcm9kchgLEgpQcm9kdWN0U2t1IghNVTJNSzdURQw", "ag1zfm1oLXBscy1wcm9kchgLEgpQcm9kdWN0U2t1IghNOVZSN0ZXMgw", "ag1zfm1oLXBscy1wcm9kchgLEgpQcm9kdWN0U2t1IghNNzA4Q1FTUgw", "ag1zfm1oLXBscy1wcm9kchgLEgpQcm9kdWN0U2t1IghNM0xaMTFYNww"], "AlwaysInStockFlag": false, "IsAdminSearchable": true, "AddOns": [], "ProductCreatedOn": "2020-03-20T16:28:15.221265", "IsActive": true}, "ProductNumber": null, "AverageInboundFreight": 418, "DisplayListPrice": "49.99", "ReferenceUrl": "basf-pro1-pla-3d-printer-filament-075kg", "AttributeOptionKeys": ["ag1zfm1oLXBscy1wcm9kclsLEg5Qcm9kdWN0TGlzdGluZxiAgIDz5cuCCgwLEhBQcm9kdWN0QXR0cmlidXRlGICAgIvZksQJDAsSFlByb2R1Y3RBdHRyaWJ1dGVPcHRpb24YgICAs-3HrQoM", "ag1zfm1oLXBscy1wcm9kclsLEg5Qcm9kdWN0TGlzdGluZxiAgIDz5cuCCgwLEhBQcm9kdWN0QXR0cmlidXRlGICAgNPFz44JDAsSFlByb2R1Y3RBdHRyaWJ1dGVPcHRpb24YgICA06vBnwoM"], "ProductType": "physical-inventory", "DisplayPrice": "39.99", "ContributionProfitAdjustmentNote": "", "AverageShippingCost": 358, "TotalWeight": 1153000, "ProductPriceSync": true, "DisableAddToCart": false, "PromotionDescription": ".", "ProductUrl": "", "SkuWarningMessages": ["prop65-stryene"], "DisplayAverageShippingCost": "3.58", "Key": "ag1zfm1oLXBscy1wcm9kchgLEgpQcm9kdWN0U2t1IghNM0xaMTFYNww", "ShipInBox": false, "WholesaleCost": 1900, "DigitalLicenseKeys": [], "FeaturedImage": {"ImageFile": "/mh-product-images/prod/c68223a1-5809-4d2c-98a0-f76812c99ebc", "IsFeatured": false, "ImageUrl": ""}, "DisplayComponentShippingPrice": "0.00", "AverageInboundTariff": 0, "ProductDescription": "The materials experts at BASF have developed an exciting PLA in their engineering line: PRO1 PLA. This engineering thermoplastic is a high quality, tough PLA, excellent for printing tools, jigs and fixtures, as it boasts strengths above ABS, but which can be printed much faster and more easily--allowing you to make more, in less time, all while maintaining the reliability you need.", "DateTimeCreated": "2019-04-05T21:55:09.611631", "ShowAvailableDate": false, "BarCodeID": "", "AlwaysInStockFlag": false, "QuantityReserved": 3, "RequireFulfillmentVerification": false, "ProductListingKey": "ag1zfm1oLXBscy1wcm9kchsLEg5Qcm9kdWN0TGlzdGluZxiAgIDz5cuCCgw", "DisplayContributionProfitAdjustment": "0.00", "QuantityOnHand": 49, "DisplayWholesaleCost": "19.00", "VendorItemID": "", "PackageDimensions": ["8.50", "8.25", "2.66"], "DutiesPercentage": 0.0, "LegacyPartNumber": "22628081", "Weight": 1153000, "FulfillmentVerificationRequired": false, "TotalProductShippingPrice": 0, "IsOneTimeItem": false, "WeightPounds": "2.54", "SuccessRatingScore": 10000, "IsOnClearance": false, "CreatedBy": "", "DisplayShippingPrice": "0.00", "NoPOBox": false, "IsRefurbished": false, "DisplayCalculatedWholesaleCost": "19.00", "ShownInListing": true, "Brand": "BASF", "WeightGrams": "1,153.00"}"/>